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Chicago rapper jailed for violating probation with marijuana

On Behalf of | Oct 30, 2013 | Drug Possession

Keith Cozart, a small-time Chicago rapper who goes by the name “Chief Keef” was recently ordered to spend 20 days in Cook County Jail after testing positive for marijuana in violation of probation conditions stemming from a traffic violation. The 18-year-old was required to submit to random drug testing after his arrest back in May on charges that he had been driving at 110 miles per hour.

In addition to the speeding charge, Cozart was charged with driving without a license, since he only had a permit and had too many passengers in his vehicle for a graduated driver. Cozart pleaded guilty to those charges. In addition to the random drug testing, he was required to serve 18 months of probation and to compete 60 hours of community service.

The young man has not previously been charged with any drug crimes, but given that he has made a name for himself by singing about his use of drugs, one wonders how long it will be before he runs into problems.

Those who are charged with drug offenses need to understand the seriousness of such charges, in terms of the practical consequences of conviction, as well as the consequences of multiple convictions. Building a solid criminal defense is important, not only to exercise one’s rights as a defendant, but to ensure that one’s future is jeopardized. This is critical for young people.

Depending on the facts of the case, issues can arise with respect to search and seizure in drug cases. When police fail to properly conduct searches and seizures, a criminal case can be seriously weakened. A thorough defense attorney will explore that and other possibilities in establishing a defense case.

Source:, “Chief Keef drug test positive, Chicago rapper gets jail,” October 15, 2013.

