Cheronis & Parente LLC

Criminal Defense Blog


Illinois fraternity members face drug charges

When a drug presence is identified in Illinois, law enforcement officials have a responsibility to deal with it swiftly and efficiently. Anyone suspected of being involved with the drugs found may be investigated or even arrested. Sometimes, it is a simple case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time that lands you in trouble. State or federal drug charges can look very bad on your record, so it is important to stay calm and work toward clearing your name.

For seven members belonging to the University of Illinois Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, facing drug charges became a shocking reality after a recent raid on their fraternity house. The search is said to have been the culmination of an investigation that has run for the past year. During this investigation, a number of informants purportedly were sent to the fraternity to purchase substances such as Ecstasy and marijuana.

During the search, officers are reputed to have found drug paraphernalia and various controlled substances, including “magic” mushrooms, marijuana and Ecstasy. They are also alleged to have seized cash and a substance suspected to be LSD from the property. Several fraternity members live in the house and seven were charged following the search. Most of these seven have been accused of possession, though one has also been met with a charge of intent to distribute.

It is difficult in cases like this to be sure exactly who has responsibility for the substances found. However, if these Illinois fraternity members are convicted, it could have a very damaging effect on their futures. If you are faced with drug charges, advice can be invaluable. An attorney may be able to help you evaluate your options and present your side of the story favorably to the court.

Source: ABC 7, “7 U of I frat members arrested on drug charges,” May 10, 2014

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