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Are you facing charges for one of these corporate crimes?

On Behalf of | Dec 20, 2016 | White Collar Crimes

If you’re one of many business owners in Illinois, you likely relate to the blood, sweat and tears it often takes to grow a successful enterprise. Whether you own a small, family-run company, have built a large chain of stores or are the head of a major banking firm, chance are you’ve faced many interruptions and challenges on your path to success.

There are many situations that can threaten the success of your business. Certainly, being a subject in a criminal investigation is at the top of the list.

Top corporate crimes in the nation

Things aren’t always what they appear in the business world. Just because authorities may accuse you of criminal wrongdoing, does not necessarily mean you will be convicted of a crime.

If you’re currently under investigation for a business crime, you are definitely not the first person to face such circumstances in this state. Below, is a list of the most frequently reported corporate crimes in the nation:

  • Bad faith deposit actions: Some banks receive penalties for pocketing funds when depositors make errors and actually transfer more money into their accounts than the amounts listed on their deposit slips.
  • Deceptive marketing: Fraudulent marketing of credit card add-on products ranks high on the list of deceptive financial practices that are punishable by law.
  • False pricing: Inflating unit prices on pre-packaged food items is illegal and apparently one of the most common types of corporate crime in the United States.

Wage theft, price-fixing and illegal marketing are other business crimes often brought to the court’s attention. Your private and professional reputation may be at stake if you are facing investigation for one of more of these alleged offenses.

Preserving your good name and protecting your rights

Even if no formal charges have been filed against you, your good standing among family, friends and business associates may be at risk if you are being federally investigated for a corporate crime.

There is no reason to simply stand by and do nothing during the course of an investigation, or, later, if charges are filed at some point. You can take proactive steps to preserve your reputation and your personal freedom.

The following actions are things you can do right away:

  • Prepare your family: Letting your family know what’s going on may be the best choice to prevent negative surprises or family embarrassment as an investigation unfolds.
  • Get your affairs in order: Especially if you know you are innocent of the crime for which you’re facing an investigation, gathering all pertinent documents and evidence in your favor may be key toward a positive outcome.
  • Seek defense guidance: You needn’t have been arrested or charged to contact a criminal defense attorney for help. In fact, it’s often beneficial to discuss a particular situation with a skilled attorney during an active investigation to begin building as strong a defense as possible should one later be needed in court.

Although you may be nervous or frightened regarding your uncertain future at this time, by acting alongside experienced representation, you may be able to avoid conviction or at least obtain an outcome that allows you to get your life back on track and move forward to restore your business success.

