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Prescription drug take-back occurring in Chicago suburb

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2024 | Drug Sales and Distribution

There are a variety of different tactics authorities use in their efforts to address the problem of prescription drug abuse. Some of these tactics are aimed at cutting down on potential supply options for individuals who are seeking to illegally sell prescription drugs.

Sometimes, a person will have left-over drugs in their home from a past prescription. One could see how such a supply of unused drugs could be a tempting target for individuals involved in the illegal sale of prescription drugs.

Later this month, police in the Chicago suburb of Arlington Heights, in collaboration with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, will be holding an event aimed at helping address the left-over drug problem. On Sept. 27, they will allow individuals, anonymously and for no cost, to drop off at the police department any expired, unwanted or unused solid-dosage-form prescription medications that they have. This event is part of the National Prescription Take-Back Initiative.

Another tactic authorities use in the battle against prescription drug abuse is charging and prosecuting individuals suspected of engaging in prescription drug crimes, such as illegally selling or distributing prescription drugs. Facing prescription drug charges can be a very serious situation for an individual.

Addressing prescription drug abuse is an incredibly important goal, but it is also important that authorities don’t trample over people’s rights while pursuing this goal. Sadly, authorities do sometimes end up falsely accusing a person of prescription drug crimes or charging a person of such crimes based on evidence that was obtained through improper conduct by police. Criminal defense attorneys can help individuals who have been wrongfully accused of prescription drug crimes make their case during court proceedings and fight charges that have been brought against them.

Source: Daily Herald, “Arlington police accepting unwanted drugs,” Sept. 14, 2014

