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Search warrant leads to the arrest of 3 men

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2024 | Search and Seizure

Being accused of a crime is a serious matter. Individuals who find themselves facing criminal charges will experience a series of events that is unlike any other. The initial phase usually involves moving through the process of being booked into, and hopefully bailed out of, jail. Next, individuals focus on preparing their legal response to the charges against them, which can be complicated. In the wake of a recent police investigation and subsequent search warrant, three Illinois men are preparing to delve into that process.

Their arrests come at the tail end of a two-week investigation by the Lake County Sheriff’s Department. Police were focused on a home in Beach Park, which was rumored to harbor drugs. They were able to obtain a search warrant, and entered the home in search of drugs and/or evidence that drugs were being sold from that residence. In addition, two traffic stops were conducted near the residence.

In total, police seized over 300 grams of marijuana, nearly 90 grams of heroin and more than 60 grams of powder cocaine. In addition, small volumes of crack cocaine and a prescription medication were taken from the home. Three men were arrested, all of whom face drug possession charges. One of those men is also accused of possession with the intent to sell, which is a much more serious charge.

As these three Illinois men prepare to face the court in these charges, each will work with their attorney to structure the best possible legal response. Part of that process will involve a careful review of all evidence held by the prosecution, as well as the manner in which the search warrant was obtained and executed. In certain cases, criminal defense efforts focus on how evidence was obtained, and the legitimacy of items seized under the use of a search warrant.  

Source:, “Three charged in connection with Beach Park drug house”, Nov. 22, 2014

