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Police credit recovery firearms to increased enforcement efforts

On Behalf of | May 24, 2013 | Drug Sales and Distribution

According to Chicago Police Superintendent Garry F. McCarthy, over 2,660 illegal firearms have been recovered so far in 2013 because of police efforts to protect public safety. The number of guns recovered is apparently not keeping up with the overall improvement in crime, which is significantly down this year.

McCarthy says that stronger gun laws are needed to keep illegal guns out of communities and stronger penalties for criminals who carry them. The latter issue was recently highlighted in an investigation in the South Chicago District last week, particularly in connection to those with violent criminal histories. 

The investigation involved a convicted felon and gang member with a previous UUW conviction, who was arrested on weapons and drug charges relating to two search warrants police claim were successfully executed. Contraband recovered included a .22 handgun and ammunition, as well as heroin and cannabis. The suspect in that case was charged with drug-related offenses and felony Unlawful Use of Weapon.

In another incident last Friday, Englewood Officers arrested a gang member and convicted felon on parole in responding to a battery call. Officers reported that the 23-year-old fled the area armed with a handgun. No drugs were involved in that situation, apparently.Drug charges are often accompanied by gun charges. Those facing such charges do well to work with an experience attorney who understands their rights and the best way to put together an effective defense case.

Source: The Guardian Express, “Chicago Police Continue to Crack Down on Illegal Firearms,” May 20, 2013.

