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Former Bears receiver hit with marijuana charge

On Behalf of | Sep 11, 2013 | Drug Sales and Distribution

David Terrell, former receiver for the Chicago Bears, was charged with battery and marijuana charges in Chicago last month. Officer reportedly arrested Terrell after they received a report of people smoking marijuana in public. Terrell and two others were reportedly caught in plain sight with materials for packaging and distributing narcotics.

Terrell was hit with a felony charge of manufacture or delivery of 30-500 grams of cannabis; the battery charge was a misdemeanor. During the incident, police allege that Terrell struck an officer’s hand during an interview, and officers say he resisted arrest.

In Illinois, criminal charges can be filed against an individual who knowingly or intentionally possesses marijuana. Categories of charges range from class C misdemeanor, punishable with up to 30 days in jail and a fine of up to $1,500, or both, to a class one felony, punishable by a between 4 and 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $25,000, or both.

Terrell’s charges fall right in the middle, and constitute a class three felony, which is punishable by one to three years in prison and fine of up to $25,000, or both.

Marijuana possession and trafficking can also be charged at the federal level, of course. Theoretically, a criminal defendant could face both state and federal charges for dealing with marijuana. Federal enforcement tends to focus mostly on serious marijuana cases, though.

Those facing criminal charges due to involvement with marijuana do well to consult an experienced attorney regarding their case. Doing so is the first step in building a solid case and achieving the best possible outcome, regardless of the circumstances.

Source: NBC Sports, “Ex-Bear David Terrell arrested on drug, battery charges,” Michael David Smith, August 19, 2013.

