Craig Robinson, the 41-year-old comic actor know for his role as Darryl Philbin on “The Office” was arrested earlier this month in the Bahamas when authorities discovered he was in possession of drugs. At the time of the arrest, Robinson was attempting to board a plane back to the United States. Robinson had been in the Bahamas for a comedy show.
Authorities reported that Robinson–a Chicago native–was found to be in possession of half a gram of marijuana and 18 ecstasy pills. Robinson later appeared in court on charges of drug possession, and pleaded guilty. Robinson reportedly told the court that the drugs were purchased in the United States and that he was unaware they are illegal in the Bahamas. He was ordered to pay a $1,000 fine and was ordered to be removed from the country. Not such a bad outcome, given that he could have faced four years in prison.
News sources reported that the incident was not the first time Robinson has been hit with drug charges. Back in 2008, he was arrested on suspicion of possessing MDMA and methamphetamine in Culver City, California. Those charges were subsequently dismissed when Robinson made it through a court ordered diversion program.
One interesting aspect of the case is that Robinson appeared without an attorney when he pleaded guilty to the drug charges. Under the circumstances, it is more understandable that he was in that situation, but it generally isn’t a good idea. Pleading guilty to charges of drug possession should never be done without a full understanding of the options available, the likely outcomes, and the guidance of an experienced attorney.
Source: Huffington Post, “Craig Robinson Detained For Drug Possession In The Bahamas, Ordered To Pay $1,000 Fine,” Alison Lowe, October 9, 2013.