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3 charged after police stop alleged drug deal

On Behalf of | May 30, 2018 | Drug Charges

On May 23, Illinois authorities took two men and a woman into custody after Aurora police suspected that a drug transaction was in process. The two men were identified as 21-year-old Aurora residents while the woman was identified as a 21-year-old Geneva resident. A second woman, age 19, was not charged.

Authorities said that they received a report about suspicious activity occurring near the Arbor and Savannah Drives intersection at about 5:15 p.m. When they arrived at the scene, police found an unlocked and unoccupied gray Hyundai Accent nearby. The vehicle had purses and cellphones inside. A white Chevy Monte Carlo then arrived at the scene although it reportedly refused to stop when officers attempted to talk to the driver. Authorities followed the vehicle to a nearby home on Savannah Drive when a driver and a passenger exited the vehicle and attempted to flee.

During the subsequent investigation, authorities claim to have found 160 grams of marijuana, Xanax pills and a handgun. Police also reportedly found an unspecified amount of cocaine on the women. Three of the four individuals involved were ultimately charged with drug crimes.

When a person is facing drug charges in Illinois, the penalties can be severe. Depending on the charges, a person could face a jail sentence and be left with a criminal record that makes it difficult to seek employment or further their education. A criminal law attorney may investigate the allegations against a person to determine what evidence the prosecution actually has and what defense strategies may work. In some cases, the attorney may challenge the charges or seek to have the charges dropped if the evidence against the person is not strong.

Source: Aurora Patch, “Gun, Coke, Xanax, Weed Seized In Aurora Drug Deal: Cops“, Lisa Farver, 05/23/2018

