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Suspect in Christmas Day killing extradited to Illinois

On Behalf of | Aug 22, 2018 | Criminal Defense

The U.S. Marshals Service arrested a 37-year-old man out of state in connection with the fatal shooting of a 39-year-old man in Decatur on Christmas Day 2017. Police in Macon County processed the suspect, who remains in jail awaiting charges from the Macon County State’s Attorney’s Office.

The arrest warrant issued by local authorities cited preliminary charges for first-degree murder. A detective declined to share any information about the circumstances that allegedly connected the suspect to the victim. Police located the victim at a home on North 32nd Street. Emergency personnel transported him to Decatur Memorial Hospital, which recorded his death. The incident marked the 10th homicide in the city for that year.

The younger sister of the victim speculated that the attack might have been caused by mistaken identity because all of her brother’s associates liked him. He had only been in the area for 24 hours visiting relatives before his death. He is survived by a 17-year-old son. A state’s attorney said that charges will be filed against the suspect after a complete review of the evidence.

A person targeted by a criminal investigation may wish to seek advice from an attorney about whether to fight the charges or accept a plea deal. A legal evaluation of the charges may inform the person about the severity of potential penalties. An attorney might also recommend a criminal defense to help a person avoid conviction or obtain a plea deal for reduced charges. Questionable or unclear evidence might enable an attorney to ask for concessions during a plea negotiation. Alternatively, an attorney may manage a criminal trial if the prosecution’s case appears vulnerable.

Source: Herald-Review, “Decatur murder suspect arrested in Mississippi, jailed in Macon County“, Aug. 21, 2018

